20/04/2013 14:28

Positively Confused!

You must stay positive, don’t be negative, don’t talk about evil things...put on a smile and everything will be alright! (The “New age” Mantra)

It has often raised an eyebrow here, that despite the current degenerating world conditions and the rising evil upon this planet, that there are still relatively few people who are willing to open their eyes to see or attempt to understand the true planetary situation.

Often, when certain people are speaking truthfully and openly about the inherent suffering or the evils being exposed within the human race, they have been accused of “negativity” or being “dark.” Again, when there is genuine discussion of the impending problems or tribulations which today we are all facing, most people seem to close up or turn away. There are others who when overhearing those talking about those manipulative forces that have seized control of the planet, consider it “evil” or “conspiracy theory” to talk about such things.

There must be a definite understanding as to what is meant here. One here is not saying we should dwell upon those shadows of earth or lose oneself to morbidity; this will lead only to depression and sickness. It is more the impulse of avoidance and deep mainstream denial of what is transpiring and what is truly happening within the collective that this piece is written for.

Let’s get strait to the point...

Since when has “spirituality” and “positivity” come at the expense of Truth?

Today there is so much talk about “being positive”, looking at the good side of things and avoiding the “bad”. In western society and particularly in the new age movement this associative exclusion has resulted in a lot of huggy, feely, fluffy and very surface “spirituality”. The lack of depth and misguidance of such people has become obvious and can make true seekers cringe as today they see a growing madness in their eyes of those who sound their various rallying cries such as “we are all One’ and “save the world”.

This is easily manipulated and played upon today by those world controllers who know where humanities reactionary impulses spawn from. They understand humanities many delusions about the nature of their reality, which is based upon mostly propagated fantasies and self deceptions.

Today under the increasing pressure of our planetary catharsis, many such “pro-active positivists” will find it harder to keep their positive expectations and perceptions thriving in the face of escalating world tension, confusion and darkness. In fact many will be unable to avoid swinging into their polar opposite which is depression, submission and even madness as the tempo of life is raised and certain truths become revealed. All this is because few come to truly understand the true nature of themselves and the reality which they find themselves in.

So from where does all this confusion arise?

The Blessed one said... it is because the ignorant cling to names, signs and ideas; as their minds move along these channels they feed on multiplicities of objects and fall into the notion of an ego-soul and what belongs to it; they make discriminations of good and bad among appearances and cling to the agreeable. As they thus cling there is a reversion to ignorance, and karma born of greed, anger and folly, is accumulated. As the accumulation of karma goes on they become imprisoned in a cocoon of discrimination and are thenceforth unable to free themselves from the round of birth and death. (The Lankavatara Sutra)

Whenever we turn outside and cling to the illusory reality we fall deeper from what is real. Think of wayward humanity...In almost all our actions, thoughts and words we are constantly affirming and reinforcing our prison.

And what is that prison?

It is the self!  

It is the personality that is the lie...but esoterically the self is also the energies of what the personality thrives in. Its extension includes the collective world ego and even the world matrix itself!  It is misidentification with the fallen ego and the world it thrives in that causes so much confusion. It has all come about through a fallen relativity.

As we cast our world weary eyes across our vast and sprawling civilization we see a lost humanity revelling in it. In fact the new age has seemed to make a religion out of it!          Self, self, self...that is today’s “new age” religion!

Self Help, Self healing, Self enlightenment...the list goes on and on...all disguised as spiritual awakening!

Thus, that which keeps and feeds the self is seen as positive while all that is deemed a threat to our selves is negative, bad or evil! That which affirms our world of relativities and keeps humanity thriving is good while those who expose humanities inherent sufferings and deceits are labelled negative or dark. This is because in a world that revels in falsehood such people bring with them the deep pain of realization, that despite what we want this world to be or if we believe that we can make it better, it will always fall very short of the mark. That in our attempts to make this world an order that is acceptable to ourselves and god, we can only sink deeper into hell and suffering. This is because we live in a fallen order of reality!

So when one looks a little deeper-what are so many new agers and “positivists” fearing?

It is Divine truth!

This is the true anathema to this wayward world as it thrives in its illusions. This is the “great enemy” that the world ego is subconsciously arming itself against. For Truth is the destroyer of self and its ways. It is the unknowable, the ungraspable, the great “darkness” which the collective self and its keepers are waging its war against. Consuming themselves in their great fear as the new energies bring with them those divine intelligences and servers that threaten to undo them all!

Have you ever wondered why all True spiritual beings have been attacked, mistreated and scorned?   

In this involute world people fear to let go of their clinging to that is which outside them. They bury their heads in the sand and cannot let go of themselves and their small and petty worlds of relativity. In today’s rising world confusion and tension most of humanity are retreating deeper into self, thrusting themselves into their work, trivial pursuits, and entertainment. They even use “spirituality”, “truth seeking” even “world service” to achieve this aim! If they would be honest, they would see that all they are really doing is merely “self service” and are falling even deeper into the illusion no matter how well disguised their true intentions are from themselves and to each other.

To see the suffering, evils and wrongs of this world equates to failure for such people and mostly their denial protects them from exposing their deep inner wound! It is easy to observe today that many new agers seek to use “God”, “Truth” and “Spirituality” to feed themselves and their illusions. Their displays of goodness and spirituality are often just ways of obtaining self verification and affirmation by using their “Goodness” and “Love and Light" to achieve this end. By immersing themselves into the drama of so-called existence they avoid the essential, that this world is one great deception! It is the perpetuation of the great lie of fallen reality from whence come true evil, sickness and spiritual death.

In their affirming of this grand play and illusion, every day, humanity reinforces this archonic matrix reality by giving it substance and power over themselves.

Everyone is looking in the wrong direction.

Know there is no salvation “out there!”

The multitudes were wild with selfish thought; none recognized the rights and needs of any other one. The stronger pushed the weak aside, and trampled on them in their haste to be the first to get a blessing for himself. And Jesus said, Behold the cage of beasts untamed; a den of stinging vipers, maddened by their fiendish greed of selfish gain! I tell you, men, the benefits that come to men who see no further then themselves are baubles in the morning light; They are unreal; they pass away. (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ)